Global competition, dynamic growth and rapid technological change are constantly presenting companies with new challenges when it comes to process optimization. Only if the organizational structure of the company is consistently kept up to date, it is possible to avoid friction losses and thus also losses in competitiveness. Especially in terms of organizational and process optimization, the undisguised and neutral view from outside provides valuable help. As a management consultant, we analyze the organizational structure of your company, highlight weaknesses and inefficiencies, and develop packages of measures for optimization in dialogue with management and executives.
The purchase and in particular the integration of a company are not routine for medium-sized entrepreneurs and are associated with some risks. A team of specialized consultants should be involved as early as possible in an acquisition. This whitepaper takes up this idea and is intended to give an overview of how a strategic acquisition can be systematically planned and carried out on one's own initiative. In particular, the M&A strategy is in the focus.
Anwendertreffen, Workshops, Podiumsdiskussionen ... Seine persönlichen Insights über die LucaNet.World 2021, lässt Martin Leiteritz - unser Concentro LucaNet-Experte - im Interview mit den LucaNet.World-Organisatoren Revue passieren. MARTIN LEITERITZ ist Senior Consultant bei Concentro. Seine ehemalige Tätigkeit bei LucaNet macht ihn zum idealen Ansprechpartner für alle Fragen rund um die Software. Darüber hinaus berät er Unternehmen zu den Themen Transparenz und Turnaround. Hierbei mit besonderem Fokus auf Planung, Reporting und Konsolidierung.
Du möchtest wissen, wie es ist bei Concentro zu arbeiten? Dann lies doch mal rein: Unsere Consultants vom Senior bis zum Young Professional erzählen von ihrem Alltag bei Concentro und gewähren einen Einblick, wie es wirklich bei uns ist!
Eddy Straube begann seine Karriere bei Concentro mit einem Praktikum. Offenbar gefiel ihm seine Arbeit bei uns so gut, dass er jetzt schon über sechs Jahre bei uns ist und sich bis zum Senior Consultant hochgearbeitet hat.
What is a company worth? This question can only be answered insufficiently by looking at the balance sheet. On the one hand, assets listed on the balance sheet – such as buildings, land or machinery – rarely match the true market value. And secondly, the total value of the company largely depends on how efficiently – that is, with what returns -– the total capital can work. In the long term, the value of the company can be increased by optimizing returns and costs as well as the use of capital. With careful analysis, we determine for our clients in which areas of the company potential value drivers are hidden and how their potential can be translated into concrete value increases.