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Here you will find the latest news from Concentro Management AG, information on our events, press releases and interesting facts about corporate finance, corporate development and restructuring.

Project example mechanical engineering - sale for strategic reasons

The reasons for selling a company are manifold. These include, among other things, the sale of companies or parts of companies in order to regulate one's own succession and to hand over one's life's work into the right hands, to eliminate financial bottlenecks, to settle shareholder disputes or to implement adopted corporate strategies. In order to gain an impression of how a corporate transaction is carried out in detail, a concrete project example from the field of mechanical engineering is sketched here, which involved a sale for strategic reasons (investment portfolio).

Whitepaper: Profit and liquidity under control - through integrated corporate planning and control

In order to succeed as a medium-sized company in a market that is often driven by changes, competitive pressure and price pressure, one needs - in addition to competitive products and services - effective corporate management, i.e. a functioning navigation system for the company. An essential element of this navigation system is the integrated planning and control of profit and liquidity.

Whitepaper: Profit and liquidity under control - through integrated corporate planning and control

In order to succeed as a medium-sized company in a market that is often driven by changes, competitive pressure and price pressure, one needs - in addition to competitive products and services - effective corporate management, i.e. a functioning navigation system for the company. An essential element of this navigation system is the integrated planning and control of profit and liquidity.

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Erfolgreiche Unternehmensnachfolge beim Schweizer SMC-Spezialisten Compotech AG

Die Aktionäre der Compotech AG mit Sitz in Weinfelden, Schweiz, verkaufen ihre Aktien rückwirkend zum 01. Januar 2023 an ein Unternehmen der global agierenden Röchling SE & Co. KG, die hierdurch ihr Produktportfolio um großformatige Formpressteile insbesondere für die Bahntechnik ergänzt.