Whether corporate financing, corporate succession, investor search or company purchase. We support our clients with experience and our broad network!
For strategic questions or operational challenges: Concentro advises comprehensively on corporate development, jointly creates individual concepts and accompanies the implementation.
There are several causes for a corporate crisis. Concentro helps to manage and develops emergency measures for securing liquidity with its clients as well as concepts for corporate restructuring and supports the implementation.
We accompany our clients in very different areas. Get to know Concentro Management AG better and learn more about our range of services.
Since 2005, we have processed over 1138 projects in a wide range of industries and published 268 company sales. With 19 completed M&A transactions, Concentro again achieved a ranking among the TOP M&A advisors in Germany in 2020.
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Ob Konferenz, Business-Frühstück, Networking-Abend oder virtuelle Veranstaltung: Hier informieren wir Sie über die wichtigsten Concentro Events, inklusive aller Anmeldeformalitäten. Seien Sie live dabei oder besuchen Sie unsere virtuellen Beiträge rund um die Themen Transparenz, Transaktion und Turnaround.
Each project is managed by a partner. Our consulting services are solution-oriented and implemented together with the customer.
We believe that an up-to-date company should have open and compatible interfaces with a wide range of experts. More than that, we at Concentro use these interfaces and pay attention to the regular exchange with best-in-class partners on economic and technical topics.
And at our four locations: Nuremberg, Munich, Leipzig and Stuttgart.
Concentro is an independent consultancy for medium-sized businesses. Our range of services focuses on the areas of corporate finance, corporate development and restructuring. Founded in 1999, Concentro Management AG grew into a consulting firm with four locations in Nuremberg, Munich, Leipzig and Stuttgart. 4 board members, over 30 employees, a broad network of experts as well as proven tools in many projects guarantee a professional project flow.
Nürnberger Restrukturierungslunch 2025