
Concentro Management AG
Hugo-Junkers-Straße 9
90411 Nuremberg


Phone +49 (0)911 58058 0
Fax +49 (0)911 58058 333

Registry Court: Nuremberg

Commercial register number: HRB 17816

Value added tax identification number acc. to § 27 a German Turnover Tax Law (UStG): DE 212895433

Board of Directors: Michael Raab, Dr. Alexander Sasse, Manuel Giese, Lars Werner

Supervisory Board: Toralf Sparbrodt (Chairman), Prof. Dr. Christian Rödl, Prof. Dr. Arnold Weissman

Responsible for the contents acc. to § 10 paragraph 3 § MDStV: Michael Raab, Dr. Alexander Sasse, Manuel Giese, Lars Werner. All rights reserved.

The information presented is the property of Concentro Management AG. It represents the latest information at the time of publication.

Disclaimer: A liability or guarantee for the currentness, accuracy and completeness of the information and data provided is excluded.

Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The provider of information of the linked websites is in all cases liable for the content.

Design and Implementation

.diff communications GmbH

Bucher Straße 79a
90419 Nuremberg

Germany, Agentur für digitale Markenkommunikation und Design aus Nürnberg